The success of an organization is based on its vision, intrinsic knowledge, process capability, human resources, detailed planning and most importantly...people. The TEK Precision team consists of extremely talented, highly skilled individuals who have successfully mastered the art of synergizing process based thinking into the creation of a World Class Quality Organization.
General Facility Training
•Lean thinking & pull systems
•5’s & 6’s organization workplace practices
•Environmental cleanliness
•Waste disposal
•Part protection throughout processing
•Thermal coefficients
•FOD prevention
•Material accountability
•Agile manufacturing
Special Process Based Training
•Adhesive Bonding
•Stress relieving
•Tensile Testing (Supports Adhesive Bonding process)
Inspection Training
•Flight Safety Parts (Certified inspectors)
•Nital Etch (Temper Etch inspection)
•Coin tap testing (Adhesive bonding)
•ACE (Excellence in manufacturing)
•CMM programming
•Hardness testing
•Proof testing
•Hydraulic testing
•Certified Flight Safety Parts inspection staff
•Certified Nital Etch Examiners
•ASQC-trained lead internal auditor
•Certified Adhesive Bonding facility for Flight Safety Parts
•Certified threaded fastener facility
•Dantotsu (Benchmarking term for Best of the Best)
awards for work place organization.
© 2009 - TEK Precision, Co., Ltd.